Venue Details

Coronado Theatre

314 N. Main Street
Rockford, Illinois 61101

Opening Hours : Labor Day thru Memorial Day: Monday-Friday 12pm-4pm Closed Saturdays & Sundays * Box Office opens at Noon on event days and closes 30 minutes after start of performance. Summer Hours: Memorial Day thru Labor Day: Box Office is closed on non event days and tickets for Coronado events may be purchased in person at the BMO Box Office 2 blocks (300 Elm St. Rockford IL 61101). * Box Office opens at Noon on event days and closes 30 minutes after start of performance.

Payment Methods : Payment methods Payment methods

All guests are subject to the buildings security policies which include but not limited to walk-thru metal detectors and bag searches. Guests will be required to remove hats and empty pockets of all items prior to scanning. Re-entry is not permitted. Patrons who exit the venue for any reason will not be allowed to re-enter the facility. Only bags meeting these criteria are allowed: Purses no bigger than 8.5 X 11 and clear plastic bags no larger than 12 x 6 x 12. All items/contents must be clearly visible and identifiable for Security. Diaper bags and bags carrying medically necessary items will be allowed after inspection. No refunds or exchanges.

Will Call tickets available during box office hours. Please have picture ID, and confirmation number.

Event parking is in the deck directly across from the main marquee.

Accessible seating or Special Needs inquiries or requests concerning accessibility should be directed to the Ticket Office at 815-968-5222.

Lobby doors open approximately 1 hour prior to curtain time, the theater opens for seating approximately ½ hour prior to show time. Late arrivals will be seated at the discretion of the house. The theater is a non-smoking facility. Cameras are permitted at the discretion of the artist. Please check with box office for your event. Please turn off all cell phones and pagers

Varies by event. Please check with box office.

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Starting at $57.50*

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* Not inclusive of taxes and fees

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