Venue Details

House of Blues Las Vegas

3950 Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, Nevada 89119

Opening Hours : House of Blues Box Office is open on show days only from 12 Noon until 9 PM

Doors 7:00pm All General Admission tickets are STANDING ROOM ONLY. All support acts are subject to change without notice. Anyone under 16 must be accompanied by an adult 18+ with valid photo ID, it is the patron's responsibility to check and abide by posted age limits when purchasing tickets. No professional cameras, studded belts or jewelry. NO REFUNDS, NO EXCHANGES, FINAL SALE! Upgrade Your Experience House of Blues Bag Policy Only bags measuring 12'' x 6'' x 12'' (or clutches measuring 4.5'' x 6.5'' ) will be allowed into the venue. All other bags will not be allowed into the venue and will need to be checked.

ONLY the credit card holder with photo ID and the card used can pickup will call tickets. No Exceptions

Guests are able to use the Hotel Parking when attending shows. House of Blues, Las Vegas does not operate these parking lots and does not set the prices. Additionally, ParkWhiz has offers other easy and reliable options.

Please refer to House of Blues Box Office 702 632-7600

Camera Policy: Personal cameras are allowed in the venue. Flash photography, video and removable lens cameras are not permitted without venue approval. Customers under the age of 21 who appear to be under the influence of alcohol or controlled substance will be escorted out of the building without compensation. Customers under the age of 21 found in gaming areas will be removed from the Hotel/Casino without compensation. (also refer to Childrens Rules)

Age restrictions range from event to event. Refer to individual event for age restrictions/requirments. IMPORTANT : Anyone UNDER the age of 16 MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian 18 or older with photo ID to gain entry to the venue.

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Starting at $32.50*

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* Not inclusive of taxes and fees

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